Hasbro - IN HAND Images of Marvel Legends X-Men Retro Action Figures

Hasbro - IN HAND Images of Marvel Legends X-Men Retro Action Figures

toynewman - December 02, 2022
sb_toys takes a look at the Marvel Legends X-men Retro Action Figures from Hasbro.

Check out images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your own thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
RobertD - 2023-07-26 @ 4:58 pm
On 5/15/2023 at 4:50 PM, AndyL said:

I love how these once exclusives start showing up at other retailers. Unfortunately I always fall for the FOMO and order them right away. Good for those who missed out. I immediately want to wait for a lot of these and see if they end up in other stores but with my luck I will undoubtedly miss out on one of the ones I really want

Well, the flip side of that is that exclusives will often go for higher prices when they shift over to other retailers, so it's not necessarily that bad of a thing to scoop up something you want off the bat. Plus of course, you can never safely assume that an exclusive will get opened up to other retailers, in my personal view, it's generally best not to wait, but that's me.

AndyL - 2023-05-15 @ 9:50 pm

I love how these once exclusives start showing up at other retailers. Unfortunately I always fall for the FOMO and order them right away. Good for those who missed out. I immediately want to wait for a lot of these and see if they end up in other stores but with my luck I will undoubtedly miss out on one of the ones I really want

toynewman - 2023-05-15 @ 7:52 pm

Shown below is the Iron Man Marvel Legends Retro Iron Man 6-inch Action Figure from Hasbro and is up for pre-order from our sponsor Entertainment Earth with a retail price of $44.99!. This figure was originally exclusive to Hasbro Pulse


abnuggler - 2022-12-07 @ 3:15 am

Cant wait to get my Spiral she is looking great!

leokearon - 2022-12-03 @ 8:21 am
On 11/22/2022 at 12:41 AM, Sidewinder said:

Im still hoping for 8-Ball. Ita almost a repaint.

Same here, especially as we got Sleepwalker.

toynewman - 2022-12-02 @ 10:11 pm
sb_toysHasbro.BigBadToyStore.comEntertainment Earth














Atlantis - 2022-11-22 @ 2:06 am

Haven't decided to pick up this Iron Man or not, but that color scheme is looking really good. The additional head is great too. The whole thing reminds me of the DC Universe Classics. While their articulation wasn't as extreme as Toybiz's, they had the most accurate costumes out there with the best paint jobs.

Now its time for them to do the proto-classic armor, with the "horned" face visor/face mask, diagonal chest vents (?) and shoulder antennae. This color scheme would look great on that!

Sidewinder - 2022-11-22 @ 12:41 am

Im still hoping for 8-Ball. Ita almost a repaint.

Atlantis - 2022-11-21 @ 11:53 pm
On 11/21/2022 at 2:49 PM, tarot said:

well, it's not impossible for her to be made. she made an appearance the the Square-Enix GOTG game.

Good to know. She might be in running after all.

tarot - 2022-11-21 @ 11:49 pm
On 11/21/2022 at 11:47 PM, Atlantis said:

This is gonna seem off the wall, but everytime I see Orb, I think of another globe-headed villain....no, not Mysterio....but Ruby Thursday. Anybody remember her? Now that was a psycho.....

well, it's not impossible for her to be made. she made an appearance the the Square-Enix GOTG game.

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