The King in Black vs The King in Purple in David Michline's Venom: Seperation Anxiety!

The King in Black vs The King in Purple in David Michline's Venom: Seperation Anxiety!

toynewman - February 07, 2024
New York, NY— February 7, 2024 — After two back-to-back hit Venom: Lethal Protector series, Venom co-creator David Michelinie triumphantly returns to deliver more epic tales set in Venom’s early days this May with VENOM: SEPARATION ANXIETY! This time around, the legendary Amazing Spider-Man scribe will be joined by Venom and Death of the Venomverse artist extraordinaire Gerardo Sandoval for another heart-pounding saga starring a wilder, brain-eating Eddie Brock!

In his latest retro Venom series, Michelinie will pit Eddie against a new foe with the power to alter reality itself—PURPLE MAN! When the iconic villain uses his terrifying mind control powers to torment Eddie and steal his symbiote for himself, everyone’s favorite symbiote slugger may need to ask for unlikely help to get it back AND save his sanity!


"I'm always delighted to write a new Venom story in a retro background,” Michelinie shared. “With ‘Separation Anxiety’ as the required theme, the problem became how to do something that's already been done—have Eddie Brock separated from his symbiote ‘other.’ So I thought, what if there was a deeply creepy villain with a decidedly bloodthirsty agenda who was able to take bits of Eddie's symbiote away every time the two touched, with that enemy slowly growing stronger as Venom slowly grew weaker? And that was the nugget that became 'The King In Purple.’"

Check out Paulo Siqueira’s VENOM: SEPARATION ANXIETY #1 cover, an homage to Charle Vess’ iconic Web of Spider-Man #1 cover, and inquire at your local comic shop regarding preorders! For more information, visit

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Lord_Scareglow - 2024-02-08 @ 4:13 am
On 2/7/2024 at 6:23 PM, RobertD said:

Why is Marvel making series with the same name as prior series? Is it so that 20 years from now if someone brings up a storyline, everyone can be confused?

Yeah seriously, when I saw this I scratched My head, just make up a new name how hard is that? Also I never thought one of Purple Man's powers was to alter reality? when did that become a thing, he can control you, make you do things, but not change reality....come on Marvel

RobertD - 2024-02-07 @ 11:23 pm

Why is Marvel making series with the same name as prior series? Is it so that 20 years from now if someone brings up a storyline, everyone can be confused? Is it a ploy to screw with wiki enthusiasts? Are they just jerks?

Also, and this is minor, but Purple Man's powers don't "alter reality itself," it alters perception. Those are opposite concepts. The notion of "reality itself" is predicated upon there being an actual, tangible reality independent of perception, that's what that phrase means. You'd think an editor would glance over the promotional material. Jebus, Marvel.

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