New SDCC Exclusive Disney+ Moon Knight Based POP! Revealed - Spoilers For Those Who Haven't Seen The Final Episode

New SDCC Exclusive Disney+ Moon Knight Based POP! Revealed - Spoilers For Those Who Haven't Seen The Final Episode

Jay Cochran - May 05, 2022
Funko today announced a new 2022 SDCC exclusive POP! based on the Scarlet Scarab character as she appeared in the season finale of the Disney+ Moon Knight.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2022-05-08 @ 8:08 am

WOW....did not see that coming. Talk about deep dives! On the other hand, this Scarlet Scarab is so totally different from the original that I'm not even sure its still in "deep dive" territory, more like "all-new, all different".

Who knows? Maybe Legends will make a Red Rajah figure after all.

leokearon - 2022-05-06 @ 12:21 pm
On 5/6/2022 at 12:54 PM, JayC said:

Well there is a total of 3 that have yet to be officially announced. One of those three should be Ms Marvel. That leaves 2 unknowns. If the last two are from Ms. Marvel that means 3 total in the wave. IDK that seems a lot.

Two from Ms. Marvel, one from What If, include the BAF and then all shows have two figures

JayC - 2022-05-06 @ 11:54 am
On 5/6/2022 at 3:24 AM, leokearon said:

I'm suspecting the last two figures will be from Ms Marvel.

Well there is a total of 3 that have yet to be officially announced. One of those three should be Ms Marvel. That leaves 2 unknowns. If the last two are from Ms. Marvel that means 3 total in the wave. IDK that seems a lot.

leokearon - 2022-05-06 @ 7:24 am
On 5/5/2022 at 11:18 PM, tarot said:

Looks like it's not part of the Vistron wave

I'm suspecting the last two figures will be from Ms Marvel.

tarot - 2022-05-05 @ 10:18 pm

Looks like it's not part of the Vistron wave

JayC - 2022-05-05 @ 7:03 pm

If this ends up being one of the unknown figures in the next Diseny+ wave then we will likely see it tomorrow.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-05-05 @ 6:42 pm

I wondered after I watched that final episode if maybe this Layla (Scarlet Scarab) was a figure in the new D+ wave which was why they were so hush, would be cool if it was, but you'd think they'd maybe have shown it by now, or maybe soon if it was in that wave, it would make for a really cool figure.

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