On 5/24/2022 at 3:17 PM, tarot said:yeah....... I think people agree that he is not the one Hasbro is speaking of. Given we have gotten Cottonmouth and Skullbuster before other more famous members of their teams, you can't really rule it out. Seriously though I don't see the Invisible Boy (which was a stupid name) being done for quite a while. tarot - 2022-05-24 @ 2:17 pm
On 5/24/2022 at 3:16 PM, Slipstream said:Don't forget Johnny Storm, the Invisible Boy, Herald of Galactus! yeah....... I think people agree that he is not the one Hasbro is speaking of.
Don't forget Johnny Storm, the Invisible Boy, Herald of Galactus!
Not to split hairs here but hasbro's hardly "giving" anyone anything. They're making record profits while doing price hikes and producing more and more figures that are inaccurate and will need to be re-done. LOL. Still, I wonder when/if Air-Walker is ready for sale, how they will make his "flame" wings? Solid plastic like Songbird, or something that has hinges and is articulated? Thoughts?
There are so many incomplete teams (Reavers, Alpha Flight, New Mutants, Uncanny X-Force, Thor's Warrior's Three) as well as teams with no representation (Starjammers, Marauders, Generation X), so I doubt we are going to get ALL of the Heralds... but then again, there will never be a better time to release them than the year of the Haslab Galactus, so here's to hoping we do get them all this year!!!
A Stardust figure might be re-purposed as Black heart??
Dare I hope for Air Walker, Stardust, and Red Shift to fill out the ranks? I'd love to have everyone from Annihilation, even if that version of Fire-Lord isn't the classic one we're getting.
Terrax and Air-Walker gotta be a for sure, other then that I don't actually see them doing anyone else, I'd be pleased with Red Shift and Stardust though, but I kinda feel like they might be to left field along with Fallen One (who would be relatively easy to make), but I think Terrax as a Deluxe and an Air-Walker are likely a lock.
I'm giddy with excitement for Air-Walker!! I love his design! Also...I will never say no to more cosmic characters!! (Mantis and Moondragon I'm looking at you!)
Now That is great news! Airwalker all the way. Maybe with Gabrielle's humanoid face and an alt head showing some of the robotics of his android version, kind of like they did with Ragnarok. A re-issue of Terrax would be a little disappointing as he is only 6 ft tall. That previous BAF would really need to be scaled down, just like the Wrecking Crew. The Destroyer I would welcome, but, like said by others, would he really be in a Galactus' Heralds' release or more likely a Thor themed release? Stardust and Redshift seemed rather short lived to me and lacking any personality, so I would put my money on them. Overall, just awesome news!
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