Yeah Maggott. With this and Siryn by dream X-men team will be complete.
On 6/13/2022 at 7:08 PM, Psychosomatic said:Sugarman, MODOK, Sasquatch, Man-Thing, Sauron, Wendigo, Warlock, and now Maggot. I love when Hasbro decides to do weird characters! I ditto this, it's one of the reasons why I am still so actively a fan of Marvel Legends, because sometimes we get surprise goodies like Maggot....or like D'Spayre! This is the best figure of the wave for sure.
It's a decent figure for such an obscure character but I find it very frustrating that he got pinless arms and not Vintage Hercules, which would also have higher reuse potential.
Sugarman, MODOK, Sasquatch, Man-Thing, Sauron, Wendigo, Warlock, and now Maggot. I love when Hasbro decides to do weird characters!
I like the height,I still say hes too beefy, but thats just because I have my Joe Mad goggles on. The head sculpt is great and Im looking forward to picking him up!
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