MAFEX Classic Comic Spider-Man Costume Figure From Medicom

MAFEX Classic Comic Spider-Man Costume Figure From Medicom

Jay Cochran - June 23, 2022
Shown below is the new MAFEX comic based Spider-Man Classic Costume figure from Medicom. The figure is due out in October and will have 2 heads, multiple hands and webbing effect peices. You can pre-order this now at our sponsor
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
SpiderS - 2022-06-24 @ 2:30 pm

Although this is easily one of the best Spidey figures I'm still unhappy with the diaper look, I get that there's not much they can do but what they can do in order to make it more seamless would be putting a "web belt" on the diaper itself instead of cutting it at the torso so the diaper wouldn't stand out on its own and would effectively blend into costume.


ADour - 2022-06-23 @ 8:33 pm

It's pretty neat that they're "reissuing" their Spider-Man figure, but they could've kept the Peter Parker head and unworn mask at the very least. The proportions are still spot-on. I really wish Hasbro would make their next evergreen Spider-Man look closer to this. Muscular, but still lean.

McHogan - 2022-06-23 @ 7:47 pm

Ill give MAFEX credit, they make aesthetically pleasing figures. I really liked the blue on the bottoms of the Symbiote Spideys feet and wished Hasbro took that extra step.

This too is a nice figure but the cost is just too high.

Emnems80 - 2022-06-23 @ 5:26 pm

Is this the same mold as the previous versions?

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