New X-Men: Animated Series Marvel Legends Morph Figure In-Hand Image

New X-Men: Animated Series Marvel Legends Morph Figure In-Hand Image

Jay Cochran - June 25, 2022
Hasbro's Dan Yun has posted this new image showing in-hand the upcoming X-Men Animated Series Marvel Legends Morph figure. You can still pre-order this now on HasbroPulse.

Am I the only one who hears Wolverine yelling his name when seeing this figure?

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Emnems80 - 2022-06-28 @ 5:52 am
On 6/27/2022 at 12:23 AM, leokearon said:

Another missed opportunity, along with not having his gun or removeable jacket

I agree, after it was done with the retro Mr. Fantastic it would have been nice to have a removable jacket for Morph too.

leokearon - 2022-06-27 @ 7:23 am
On 6/27/2022 at 12:11 AM, Nessex said:

It is *criminal* that he doesn't come with a remote control and a Senator Kelly head."My fellow Americans... I am an idiot!"

Another missed opportunity, along with not having his gun or removeable jacket

Satam - 2022-06-27 @ 6:00 am
On 6/27/2022 at 1:06 AM, SpiderS said:

The figure was teased with the remote control, so I'm sure he does have that accessory.

I don't think you're remembering that correctly. The Marvel team teased a hand holding a rectangular thing (it was a card) and talked about Gambit. A lot of people ignored that they had mentioned Gambit, and because it wasn't the easiest thing in the world to see, decided it was a remote control instead and *by sheer coincidence* guessed correctly that Morph was finally on the way, despite that tease having nothing to do with him.Morph comes with two extra hands (no remote in either) and an extra head.

SpiderS - 2022-06-27 @ 5:06 am
On 6/27/2022 at 3:11 AM, Nessex said:

It is *criminal* that he doesn't come with a remote control and a Senator Kelly head."My fellow Americans... I am an idiot!"

The figure was teased with the remote control, so I'm sure he does have that accessory.

Nessex - 2022-06-26 @ 11:11 pm

It is *criminal* that he doesn't come with a remote control and a Senator Kelly head."My fellow Americans... I am an idiot!"

Emnems80 - 2022-06-26 @ 4:28 pm
On 6/25/2022 at 3:59 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:

The blue, yellow and red look great. I wonder if I could just find something in my wifes nail stuff to wipe off the cell shading, if I were to get this guy.

Had the same thought, but I also wonder if I should just wait for a regular release version (and it also may be cheaper too).

MODADDYDODOK - 2022-06-25 @ 10:59 pm

The blue, yellow and red look great. I wonder if I could just find something in my wifes nail stuff to wipe off the cell shading, if I were to get this guy.

JayC - 2022-06-25 @ 8:51 pm

New in-hand image from Dan Yun


monron999 - 2022-05-26 @ 9:42 pm

So a specific buck (or at least legs) made for this figure. Almost guarantees a X-Uniform figure(s) is on it's way. All fine and dandy, and it's something we all wanted and surely expected. The only question is which base mold is it using. I initially thought it was maybe the new Vulcan buck, but the more I look at it it's showing signs of that freaking misused Sunfire buck. Now let's all get ready for the inevitable female version on the Kate Bishop buck. I'll put money on it.

leokearon - 2022-05-26 @ 4:01 pm

Looks like someone is about to play ringtoss, with some straps

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