Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness Dr. Strange Cloak And Light-Up Magic Glove

Doctor Strange: In the Multiverse of Madness Dr. Strange Cloak And Light-Up Magic Glove

Jay Cochran - June 27, 2022
Now you can dress just like Dr. Strange himself with these new role-play items from Disney. Available on ShopDisney is his Cloak of Levitation as well as Light-Up Magic Glove that replicates his magic shields.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
McHogan - 2022-06-30 @ 9:38 pm

Both of these seem.... off somehow. These arent from the same line as the Iron Man helmet or the Eye of Agamotto are they? They seem cheap. Literally like what youd get from Spirit Halloween

GrtWhiteCustoms - 2022-06-30 @ 12:26 am

I gotta say...that's pretty cool for cosplay

icematta - 2022-06-29 @ 7:29 pm

That cloak looks good, my kids want one, but the "shields", not so much, I've seen videos o people doing a better job, but well, is a mass production item, that's the best I can expect....

Atlantis - 2022-06-27 @ 3:39 pm

Granma's quilt jokes aside, that does look like the MCU version of the cloak of Levitation. I wish they would just make a full classic (comic) version though, I'd be all over that in a heartbeat. By the hoary hosts of Hoggoth, I don't know why they didn't just go with his actual costume anyway....what they have is very close.

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