More Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Figures Revealed

More Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse Figures Revealed

Jay Cochran - August 05, 2022
We have more figures from Hasbro based on the upcoming Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse movie to share with you. These images come directly from the Hasbro website. Shown are the Web Spinning Miles Morales 6" Scale Deluxe Figure, 12" Miles Morales and better images for the Cyborg Spider-Woman 6" Scale Deluxe Action Figure.

As we reported yesterday, while the movie itself isn't set to be released until June 2, 2023, there seems to have been a decision to go on and release at least some of the product from it now.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
leokearon - 2022-10-23 @ 7:05 am
On 10/22/2022 at 8:31 PM, monron999 said:

Right? That's something that's right up Hasbro's alley. The laziest of lazy repaints. I'll even lay it out for them. Spot is 5'10", 170 lbs. The Pizza Spidey buck is quite appropriate for his size. Of course, at this point they'll probably do it on the Sunfire buck or even the Spider UK buck. Seems like they're just throwing darts at a board these days.

If they are throwing darts at a board we could head up with him on the Hulk mold

monron999 - 2022-10-22 @ 7:33 pm
On 8/5/2022 at 4:52 PM, JayC said:

















Dayam! I might just buy that Spider Woman so I can rip the arm off and convert it to use with my Apocalypse figure.

monron999 - 2022-10-22 @ 7:31 pm
On 10/22/2022 at 1:49 PM, leokearon said:

Why we haven't gotten a Spot figure already makes no sense.

Right? That's something that's right up Hasbro's alley. The laziest of lazy repaints. I'll even lay it out for them. Spot is 5'10", 170 lbs. The Pizza Spidey buck is quite appropriate for his size. Of course, at this point they'll probably do it on the Sunfire buck or even the Spider UK buck. Seems like they're just throwing darts at a board these days.

leokearon - 2022-10-22 @ 6:49 pm

Why we haven't gotten a Spot figure already makes no sense.

Reno - 2022-10-22 @ 6:29 pm

I'm hoping for a really good Marvel Legends version of Spot! A Legends style Cyborg Spider-Woman like the pics would be interesting as well.

leokearon - 2022-08-22 @ 6:57 am

What seems to be a jigsaw gives s are first look at Spider-Pun and a better look at the Cyborg Spiderwoman


leokearon - 2022-08-18 @ 7:06 am

A new Across the Spider-Verse board game possibly spoiling another character

FaYTL-bXoAA3QEF by leokearon

Reno - 2022-08-17 @ 6:59 pm

LOL, I already know how disappointed that I'm going to be when we finally get a Spot in Legends form and it's the animated version.... I made a custom of him years ago using the ToyBiz Bullseye buck, wish I had kept it instead of selling it, not that it would be terribly hard to make another one on a newer buck...

JayC - 2022-08-05 @ 9:52 pm

















leokearon - 2022-08-05 @ 6:53 am

The Rolepay Miles half mask looks weird

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