Marvel Legends Madame Hydra (Classic) (Marvel's Controller Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Madame Hydra (Classic) (Marvel's Controller Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images

Outsiders - September 04, 2022
GeekHangover takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Madame Hydra (Classic) (Marvel's Controller Build-A-Figure) from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2022-09-13 @ 7:12 am
On 9/5/2022 at 12:05 PM, SpiderS said:

So disappointingly infuriating, they literally had years to improve on her and they decided to go with simplest reuse.

I've bashed this enough...but a lot of others, especially youtubers with a voice, are doing the same. We can only hope that Legends does Madame Hydra justice next year, just to turn it around. We know they've got the skill to do it.

McHogan - 2022-09-08 @ 8:52 pm

These pics go a long way to showing the flaws and I cant say I disagree with any of them.

Im still planning on getting her as I like the simple design. But think like most above that Hasbro put in very little effort here

monron999 - 2022-09-07 @ 12:53 am

While it is a slight improvement over the last one, in the general sense, I must agree with GH. Complete waste of time and effort. Obviously the Kate Bishop mold either needs to be put out to pasture or, my preference, have the legs retooled to be a bit thicker and sturdier, which would ultimately make it look much better as well. The upper body and torso of that mold I have no problem with as does present that slender, fit body type many female heroes have but the legs have been, and always will be, that buck's one weakness. Fix that and this figure would have gone from doorstop worthy to downright sufficient.

I've said it on other posts, but I'll say it again. With a simple retooling of the legs they use on the Shriek buck to be compatible with the KB mold they would have a 2nd suitable "standard" female buck to keep the Shriek buck from getting stale before it's time.

MODADDYDODOK - 2022-09-06 @ 4:36 pm

I wish theyd make some new lower legs with calf cuts and apply them to some of these ladies that should have actual boots. Viper here wouldve been a good one for that. Id share some reference but it doesnt allow me to attach images anymore for some reason.

MODADDYDODOK - 2022-09-06 @ 1:36 am

Haha ya that first image is good.

Atlantis - 2022-09-06 @ 1:11 am

Everytime I see that pic of the thing going into the trash I have to laugh.Exactly where it belongs.

And the nerve, to charge the same for this old recycled mess, as they are for the newest Iron Man and Thor figs in the SAME WAVE.

Wasted opportunity. They could have had her on the right mold, with some alt heads- one with the hair sweeping the side of the face, but the scar she used to have underneath. Are there really Marvel fans working in Hasbro? That's a slam dunk.

Shame....I really wanted a Madame Hydra. Even the Shriek or Spinerett bucks would have been acceptable.

SpiderS - 2022-09-05 @ 8:05 pm

So disappointingly infuriating, they literally had years to improve on her and they decided to go with simplest reuse.

bashpics99 - 2022-09-05 @ 2:13 pm

This is one i really had high hopes for but the execution just doesn't do it for me, i just don't care for a lot of hasbro's choices on this one. Certainly its an upgrade over the previous ML version but that is a low bar to clear. And for $25 it really doesn't seem worth it unless you definitely plan on building Collector. Again too bad because i would definitely like to add a Madame Hydra figure to my villain's collection.

I don't like the color scheme.

I don't like the buck

i don't like the holsters - feels like they emphasize the bad things about the buck

I don't really care for the head sculpt but OK that is a relative highlight for this figure

to reiterate, this figure should be in my wheelhouse but i'm skipping due to poor execution

EDIT: OK i will point out two things i like

- the snakeskin pattern on the holsters is cool (altho clashes with her outfit)

- the hydra imprint on the holsters is a nice touch

Air-Walker - 2022-09-05 @ 2:05 am

Couldn't agree more man. Great face, but using this oft maligned body, particularly when they've got a new body with pinless joints and double jointed arms and a fuller more athletic looking figure?? I don't buy the excuse of not wanting to overuse it, since they've went above and beyond over-using this awful buck, making mediocre figures out of ones that should have been Rockstars.

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