The Uncanny X-Men Marvel Legends Retro Collection Marvel's Apocalypse Video Review And Images

The Uncanny X-Men Marvel Legends Retro Collection Marvel's Apocalypse Video Review And Images

Outsiders - September 16, 2022
Bluecomet takes a look at the new The Uncanny X-Men Marvel Legends Retro Collection Marvel's Apocalypse from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Psychosomatic - 2022-09-23 @ 12:19 pm

Just snagged one of these in Wales! This thing is actually quite impressive in person (great paint detail on the heads).

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-09-20 @ 2:18 am

I'm still just not sure about this figure, I like it but I don't, I want it, yet I don't...hahaha, It looks good for what it is, but the fact it's animated kinda turns me off (the colors are just so...odd to me), but on the other hand it's currently the closest thing to a regular apocalypse I'll be able to get, I still just think the BAF is superior (at least for Comic fans), I can't accept that AOA Apocalypse as my only Apocalypse, AOA ain't 616. I'm going to get this figure but I guess I will mull over it once I have it.

I do think it's cool Bluecomet swapped the torso out for the BAF Torso, I wonder if painting those arms and Legs blue would be the best way to recreate the BAF..hmm

leokearon - 2022-09-18 @ 7:06 am
On 9/18/2022 at 3:30 AM, Bluecomet said:

Thanks mate, glad you have the BAF version, it is really good looking figure which I hoped I have to compare in this review. Cheers.

I have the AOA version not the BAF

Bluecomet - 2022-09-18 @ 2:30 am
On 9/17/2022 at 5:39 PM, leokearon said:

On one hand I have the AOA version so I have a Apocalypse, but this also it's the Nostalgia buttons really heard. So I thing I will be getting this

Thanks mate, glad you have the BAF version, it is really good looking figure which I hoped I have to compare in this review. Cheers.

Bluecomet - 2022-09-18 @ 2:28 am
On 9/17/2022 at 3:54 PM, Atlantis said:

Just one of the things I point out for those who felt that the Rouge/Ms. Marvel/Gamora/Loki mold was "too much" for kids to see in stores. Kids saw this 'toon 30 years ago, and it was fine. Kids didn't turn into crazed deviants due to depictions of curvy characters, whether they were on screen or molded in plastic (or whatever other hysterical fears those people have). This is how the characters were shown in the comics. Its all about accuracy.

I prefer the Apocalypse from the BAF but if you're a fan of the 90s cartoon, here you go.

Thanks mate. Agree, it is very 90s for superheroes to be drawn with such body proportions. It is POP culture history it is unfortunate though in the modern age, this is being branded as inappropriate or degrading females. People forget this is ART, ART does not shy away from celebrating the beauty of the human anatomy. Cheers

leokearon - 2022-09-17 @ 7:39 am

On one hand I have the AOA version so I have a Apocalypse, but this also it's the Nostalgia buttons really heard. So I thing I will be getting this

Atlantis - 2022-09-17 @ 5:54 am
On 9/16/2022 at 8:50 PM, Bluecomet said:

Thank you, It has to be done

Just one of the things I point out for those who felt that the Rouge/Ms. Marvel/Gamora/Loki mold was "too much" for kids to see in stores. Kids saw this 'toon 30 years ago, and it was fine. Kids didn't turn into crazed deviants due to depictions of curvy characters, whether they were on screen or molded in plastic (or whatever other hysterical fears those people have). This is how the characters were shown in the comics. Its all about accuracy.

I prefer the Apocalypse from the BAF but if you're a fan of the 90s cartoon, here you go.

Bluecomet - 2022-09-17 @ 4:50 am
On 9/17/2022 at 12:29 PM, McHogan said:

That booty shot of Rogue... hahaha Im dying. Excellent reproduction of that cartoon scene

Thank you, It has to be done

McHogan - 2022-09-17 @ 2:29 am

That booty shot of Rogue... hahaha Im dying. Excellent reproduction of that cartoon scene

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