On 9/30/2022 at 12:03 AM, Satam said:Vision had the mind stone. The soul stone was the one that was guarded by Red Skull on Voromir and could only be obtained through sacrifice.
Thats right, good memory. Or google skills.
i kinda like that Hasbro is thinking outside the box here with these stones collectibles. Tho seems the soul stone will take some creativity
On 9/29/2022 at 11:39 PM, McHogan said:Ok reminder time:
Aether = reality stone
tessaract = space stone
Lokis staff: mind stone
eye of agamotto: time stone
orb from GOTG
Vision had the mind stone. The soul stone was the one that was guarded by Red Skull on Voromir and could only be obtained through sacrifice.
Ok reminder time:
Aether = reality stone
tessaract = space stone
Lokis staff: mind stone
eye of agamotto: time stone
orb from GOTG
Include the human Robbie body from the Charger campaign with this and I'm in.
Even the packaging looks cool. I really want to get this and the scepter... I'm planning on building an Infinity Stone wall decor... I have 3 stones already and the gauntlet... so... this would cover the other 2 with only the soul stone missing... but that never had a carrying case
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