I think this figure is just fine, I have no desire to pick it up, but I also feel like it looks too shiny and flat, I think it needed more definition on the skin areas (which is like the whole figure) maybe a Wash, more muscle tone, his legs are like tubes, they have no defining muscles, it just seems really figurey for a figure that should be more detailed, looks more like a glossy mannequin, but that being said I never had an interest to get this anyways.
The figure looks cool and like how Marvel/ Disney differentiated their Atlantis from the DCEU. Though Aquaman looked way further from the source material than the MCU Namor.
I am more interested in how Namor will be portrayed in the upcoming flick. If they are going to have him full villain or anti-hero or sympathetic with more heroic qualities?
I can't wait for tomorrow when my figure arrives. I've never been a fan of Namor, but having a Mexican actor portray him interested me and looking at how much insight and study went into representing prehispanic culture really touched my core and I kind of already love it by default by now. Also, I'm really curious as if I'd be able to build an MCU Illuminati with the comic lineup. That Blackbolt looked really good on MoM... regardless of his origin and end
It looks good. I agree the legs could have done with some muscles. Still not sure f this is really a must get.
This figure deserves a chance because Namor is a popular character among comic book fans and for kids, it is a nice figure for posing. The only gripes I have with it are the face that needs to be angrier and sculpted musculature on the legs. Otherwise, this is pretty good. It also makes my first Black Panther wave Namor look buffer.
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