On 10/8/2022 at 9:54 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:"...but I still will pass but it's hard, I;ll stick with the 80th, I gotta not just buy so many variants of charaters because they look cool, I said originally years ago, just get the 1 most iconic to you look of each character..."
Yes, agree on passing figures except for the most essential. Hasbro did that ( and continues to do so) to themselves with all the errors and outrageous price hikes. For example, I would've bought the Siryn figure, knowing full well the "classic" is going to be made at some time, if they had bothered to include her correct head. Original bell bottoms suit, training suit, current suit- would get them all, but they blew it. And Siryn's not even a character I "need" to have. I wanted Madame Hydra/Viper SO long, but they just slapped us in the face with what they made. Easy pass on the 20th "anniversary" Iron Man; not only is it overpriced, its not even an accurate armor suit he ever had. I get it though, its hard when they do a great job and you have to sit it out. Stay strong.
The More I see this the more I like it, the figure itself just feels like the right IM for me in terms of the armour, reminding me of MVC and the Cartoon and Action figures from the 90's this was essentially the IM I got most familiar with seeing, but I still will pass but it's hard, I;ll stick with the 80th, I gotta not just buy so many variants of charaters because they look cool, I said originally years ago, just get the 1 most iconic to you look of each character, still shed a tear the day that went out the window. Must resist.
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