Marvel Legends Goblin Queen Custom By Christinaconan

Marvel Legends Goblin Queen Custom By Christinaconan

Jay Cochran - October 08, 2022
In light of Hasbro's recent Marvel Legends HasLab Engine of Vengeance Goblin Queen reveal earlier this week which at this point doesn't seem very likely in getting made, we thought we would show you this custom once again that was done by Christinaconan. They created their own Marvel Legends 6" style Goblin Queen Madelyne Pryor figure which honestly blows away the official one. You can see more of their work on Facebook.

I painted her eyes in a way to create the illusion of glowing

Check out the image(s) of their custom below and be sure to let us know what you think in the COMMENTS SECTION below!

Check out the images below in our GALLERY and let Christinaconan know what you think about their work in the COMMENTS SECTION below. If you would like to submit a custom of your own creation to be featured in an upcoming MARVELOUS CUSTOM segment you can post your work on our FORUMS.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
ransomz - 2022-10-09 @ 12:54 am

Well see, then I'd buy the car.

LordVenger - 2022-10-09 @ 12:34 am

We need to see some more from Christina

monron999 - 2022-10-08 @ 5:08 pm

Amazing take on Goblin Queen and way to make it comic accurate. Great use of that Psylocke buck that Hasbro should have been using the entire time they've been screwing up all the female figures with that Kate Bishop buck.

Atlantis - 2022-10-08 @ 4:51 pm

NotNamed - 2022-10-08 @ 4:33 pm

Still better than Hasbro. Hire her!

Ultrarevenger - 2021-12-06 @ 4:21 am

How can I throw my money at this?

Atlantis - 2021-11-29 @ 2:16 am

Beautiful headsculpt there for She-Hulk, certainly better than what Hasbro Legends have done to this date. But the passive alt head for the green she hulk that recently came out didnt really fit the personality of the character, and I think the same goes for this one (although this one is light years ahead of that). This would be better off for Storm or, with some hair alterations, maybe Phoenix or Medusa. Still....its amazing.

NotNamed - 2021-11-28 @ 11:23 pm

Wow. Can we buy this please?

And can Hasbro hire or freelance her please?

Bluecomet - 2021-11-28 @ 10:06 pm
On 5/3/2021 at 10:06 AM, Emnems80 said:

Noticed there's a link to the artist's Facebook page. For all of you on Insta here's a link to the artist's page on there.......

I follow her, she is really good and Hasbro should take notes from her work.

Emnems80 - 2021-11-28 @ 6:47 pm

Wow. The original head sculpt was pretty good.....until you see this one. Awesome job!

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