Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Marvel Legends Attuma Video Review And Images

Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Marvel Legends Attuma Video Review And Images

Outsiders - October 13, 2022
GeekHangover takes a look at the new Black Panther: Wakanda Forever Marvel Legends Attuma from Hasbro. Collect all Attuma Build-A-Figure series figures to build Attuma from our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
monron999 - 2022-10-14 @ 7:32 pm
On 10/14/2022 at 12:11 AM, McHogan said:

Im excited for this film but will once again state I think TChalla should have been recast. It COULD have been Tyson/ Hollifield, Flair/ Hogan, Manning/ Brady.. instead we get Tyson / any undercard bum, Flair/ Mulkey, Manning/ any Detroit Lion QB in the last 30 years. Fun for those who paid.the headliners but no where near a marquee matchup that TChalla v Namor would have been

On 10/14/2022 at 4:40 AM, Atlantis said:

I'm totally with you there!!

Yeah, me too. I've thought that pretty much from the start Boseman was an excellent BP, but to define him as that character is a bit disrespectful IMHO. He had so many other great roles I think assuming no one could ever be BP again kind of minimizes his contribution to the industry. Also, BP is a character who was created a long time ago and will probably persist long after the rest of us are gone and to minimize the ability to portray the character by only one single character is ridiculous and unreasonable. Yes, there will never be anyone who did BP like Boseman did, but why should it be made that no on could ever put their own acting spin on that character ever again. To be honest, and it may have been so long many of us can't remember, but there was a large part of the fandom that was up in arms when Chris Evans was cast as Captain America, thinking this goofy kid who did Johnny Storm and who had been in a bunch of terrible comedies would never pull it off. But he did and it's really hard to see another person trying to do Cap, but it can be done and it will eventually have to be done. None of these long standing, long tradition characters should be defined by the actors that played them.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-10-14 @ 5:54 pm

I'm not mad at what they did with this character as looks are concerned for the MCU, but I don't really like this figure, much like the MCU Namor I feel like it lacks in shading and muscle tones, the figure looks flat and mannequin esque for something that should have more definition since it's from a movie, and based off a real person, this figure just doesn't do much for me, but I'm excited to see them in the movie.

and if anyone wants some BAF parts for this guy lemme know, I got the ones from BP, Hutut and Nakia, I don't need.

Atlantis - 2022-10-14 @ 9:40 am
On 10/13/2022 at 9:11 PM, McHogan said:

"Im excited for this film but will once again state I think TChalla should have been recast. It COULD have been Tyson/ Hollifield, Flair/ Hogan, Manning/ Brady.. instead we get Tyson / any undercard bum, Flair/ Mulkey, Manning/ any Detroit Lion QB in the last 30 years...."

I'm totally with you there!!

McHogan - 2022-10-14 @ 5:11 am

I too like the Aztec inspired designs of the MCU Atlanteans ( or whatever they are calling them). Look, the DCEU beat the MCU to the punch with their Atlantis. The MCU had to differentiate from what TimeWarner did and IMO they once again hit a home run.

I do think Namors ankle wings look ABSOLUTELY ridiculous in the trailer but the actor has all the Namor feels and he fits the aesthetics of where the MCU pivoted to.

Im excited for this film but will once again state I think TChalla should have been recast. It COULD have been Tyson/ Hollifield, Flair/ Hogan, Manning/ Brady.. instead we get Tyson / any undercard bum, Flair/ Mulkey, Manning/ any Detroit Lion QB in the last 30 years. Fun for those who paid.the headliners but no where near a marquee matchup that TChalla v Namor would have been

ascfar as this Attuma figure, looks like a great comic to film translation

Atlantis - 2022-10-14 @ 1:41 am

For me the comic Attuma is the real deal, but I will say, they really did an excellent and detailed job with this figure. I miss the true Atlantean feel for the characters, but the Aztec/Mayan influence looks incredibly good here. If this were sold as a single figure, I'd definitely think about getting it.

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