New Marvel Legends War Machine Figure Revealed

New Marvel Legends War Machine Figure Revealed

Jay Cochran - October 17, 2022
Shown via GR is another new Marvel Legends Series War Machine which will cost $24.99. Look for it to go up for pre-order tomorrow (10/18) at 1pm ET at most retailers.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2023-04-07 @ 6:25 am
On 10/18/2022 at 11:37 AM, GarimusPrime said:

I can see people wanting this as an homage to MVC, but, to me, he isn't War Machine without the shoulder turrets. It does look kinda cool, but I'll pass on this one, unless I see it on clearance for $12 or less.

It is indeed hard to look at this and call it "War Machine". Its a great figure in its own right though. Not my cup of tea but I tell ya what- the shade of blue they're using here would look great on a Quicksilver figure. They botched that one so much that this would be a vast improvement.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-10-21 @ 4:46 pm

if anyone is looking for this here in Canada, it's up for pre-order at Gamestop right now

glhshelby - 2022-10-18 @ 11:34 pm
On 10/18/2022 at 12:37 PM, GarimusPrime said:

I can see people wanting this as an homage to MVC, but, to me, he isn't War Machine without the shoulder turrets. It does look kinda cool, but I'll pass on this one, unless I see it on clearance for $12 or less.

This is 100% why I dont want it, even though I love War Machine and I love this armor design for Iron Man. It doesnt look like War Machine.

thats the same reason I didnt like the Avengers 2/IM3 War Machine design, even though it technically had the turret. They slimmed it down so much it just looked like it was supposed to be Iron Man. Thankfully they fixed it in Civil War and the later films.

GarimusPrime - 2022-10-18 @ 7:37 pm

I can see people wanting this as an homage to MVC, but, to me, he isn't War Machine without the shoulder turrets. It does look kinda cool, but I'll pass on this one, unless I see it on clearance for $12 or less.

Reno - 2022-10-18 @ 6:55 pm

I might be interested in adding it to my hall of armors, but only if I ever see it 50% off or more.

leokearon - 2022-10-18 @ 7:09 am
On 10/17/2022 at 10:29 PM, Hogun said:

Hard pass, even with the new paint apps, I cannot see the figure as War Machine. I see it more as a retro stealth suit

Totally agree.

Jeddostotle7 - 2022-10-18 @ 12:10 am

I do wish they'd included the Deluxe/Retro War Machine helmet headsculpt as well for some options, but otherwise this looks quite good and fits as an MvC War Machine quite well.

Hogun - 2022-10-17 @ 9:29 pm

Hard pass, even with the new paint apps, I cannot see the figure as War Machine. I see it more as a retro stealth suit

watanabefan - 2022-10-17 @ 9:28 pm

Looks nice. Would love to see more MVC figures in the line (Shuma-Gorath comes to mind).

Atlantis - 2022-10-17 @ 7:28 pm

Repaint with nothing new to it. Looks good though. This modualar Iron Man is one of the better bucks out there, so I can see them wanting to get mileage out of it. I'm good with the one I already have but I can see this being on someone's "want" list.

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