Marvel Hero Relic: Captain Carter Shield

Marvel Hero Relic: Captain Carter Shield

Jay Cochran - November 01, 2022
''What If...'' Captain Carter's Vibranium Shield were your own super hero accessory? This replica features motion-based and impact effects to keep the world free from tyranny! You can purchase this now from ShopDisney.

Magic in the details

Initially launched at D23 Expo, Disney+ subscribers receive early access to this item on shopDisney between 11/1 - 11/7/22. While supplies last.

Captain Carter Vibranium Shield
Motion-based effects
Impact effects
Faux leather straps with buckle
Inspired by Marvel Studios ''What If...?,'' now streaming on Disney+

The bare necessities

Ages 14+
Requires 2 x AA batteries, included
Metal / ABS / polyurethane
24'' Diameter
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2022-11-02 @ 8:08 am

Oooh, likey likey...

....uhm, say what? Its HOW much?

So they haven't learned yet.....

leokearon - 2022-11-02 @ 7:34 am

Pretty cool, but does it really need the electronics?

McHogan - 2022-11-02 @ 1:57 am

Whoops.. just saw the price. G'day Gov'ner...

That's some Haslab level of over-pricing

McHogan - 2022-11-02 @ 1:56 am

Dang this is so cool. I passed on Falcon/Caps shield because it was to close to Steve's. But if they released a US Agent shield as well I could see me going full nerd mode and getting them all to have a "Cap Mueseum" is my basement ( where the wife banishes my inner dork)

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