Marvel Legends Retro Collection Spiral Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Retro Collection Spiral Video Review And Images

Outsiders - November 13, 2022
Dan Who? Reviews takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Retro Collection Spiral from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Air-Walker - 2022-11-15 @ 1:16 am

Again, she is a work of Art!! Can't wait!

McHogan - 2022-11-14 @ 11:13 pm

No interest in the figure but I will reiterate that these Retro Card backs add such much to the figures. They just have that extra "cool" factor. And it's been for every wave: XMen, Avengers & West Coast Avengers, FF.. it just hits all the feels..

Recently picked up FireLord and for half a second considered mot opening it because it looks amazing.

My next big want on Retro cards is War Machine. Have the orginal but the new colors pop

MODADDYDODOK - 2022-11-14 @ 7:47 pm

The only teenie weenie gripe I have is that the pouches arent on the front of her thighs.

Atlantis - 2022-11-14 @ 7:30 pm

I'm pleasantly surprised that not only does the figure look just like it should from the comics, it appears to have full articulation...the torso is not just some solid piece of plastic; it rotates and bends as do most of the figures they use for female characters. Amazingly, wasn't priced as a "deluxe", nor was it exclusive to the Mojo set (which would've forced some buyers to get the set, even if they didn't care for the other figures). If hasbo needed something to wash the bitter taste of the ghost rider farce haslab out of their mouths, this surely qualifies. But it just goes to show, accuracy matters, accuracy should be standard, and accuracy will get you repeat business more often than not.

monron999 - 2022-11-14 @ 6:35 pm

Incredible figure. Immediately out of the box, no freaking chicken legs. Color, great. Face sculpt, perfect. Accessories, spot on. The ONLY thing they could have done to make it any better, and I understand material costs factor in, is additional hands with spell casting poses. A small detail but it would have been a nice extra.

MODADDYDODOK - 2022-11-14 @ 2:21 pm

Now here it looks like the blue paint came out, imo, better than the promos. Cannot wait to get er! I mean I can wait but.. you know what I mean.

Atlantis - 2022-11-14 @ 11:38 am

This is one of the few I plan on putting money down for. Looks great!

leokearon - 2022-11-14 @ 7:54 am

Looks great, but not a huge fan of the Character, so not sure if I'll pick her up

MRT - 2022-11-14 @ 3:40 am

I hope she's easy to find. From what I'm observing, her and jean are the hot sellers in the wave.

Lord_Scareglow - 2022-11-14 @ 3:20 am

This figure is a thing of beauty, just seeing images of it I can say it's already one of my favourite figures of the year, they did a stellar job on this one.

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