On 11/17/2022 at 7:31 PM, MODADDYDODOK said:"... The whole set is keeping him away from me though ..."
Same for me, only its the Human Fly I would get and not these others. Well, maybe he'll be available down the road in some other format, maybe not. I'm not paying for figures I don't like/aren't done correctly. Of the set, I'd rate Fly and Razorback as the most accurate figures.
This is the only figure I want from this set. Really want to do my MIsFits team
This is definitely the standout in this wave though it is fairly simple. Doesn't seem like it would be all that hard if Hasbro used the same basic formula to do a Man-Ape. Use the same hood with some retooling. Use the same body mold. Paint it white, add a loin cloth and some boot tassels. Done deal.
This was/is a huge want for myself in the Spidey category. Always imagined him as a build-a-figure so I was hella surprised to see him come out differently. The whole set is keeping him away from me though
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