So happy this pack happened, to finally fullfill my dreams of completing the Life Foundation SYmbiotes, I almost feel there a sweet triumph in my collector wants now, I've been waiting and asking for those Symbiotes to finally get released, but now I feel to complete, I can't ask for them anymore, now I do I wish Riot was his classic look yes...and do I still wish Lasher was on a bigger buck yes...I guess I can yap on about those two things until the day comes if it does they release a classic Riot (seems highly unlikely) and Update Lasher (seems probable).
guess it's time to go on about getting an new Anti-Venom, and can we get a She Venom and Hybrid.
also Best Venom body yet, half symbiote head is awesome, the full head, I could of been happier with something more gnarly and menacing.
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