True @MODADDYDODOK, they're pitiful. I'll give them props for the color scheme used on the last "vintage" one. Sadly Marvel Legends has just never cared to get the classic one correct. For one thing, the Vision is 6'3". Ought to be at least on the Grim Reaper mold. Not the Sunfire. He has dark eyes, dark sockets if you will. Sometimes you can see a tiny gold light in the center. Toybiz got this right, also the Ares wave Vision.
He has earcups; Select gets it right for his classic outfit, Hasblo doesn't (neither did TB).
The Vision's belt isnt a girdle, its not fabric, but hasblo always paints it on. Really lazy. They gave Baron Zemo a belt, but not the Vision?? Briefs, not trunks; boots and gloves all come to a point. The Ares wave got it right. No boot cut on the Ares wave, they just painted the boots on. The latest hasbol painted them on too but the boot cut shows how cheap and awful that looks.
Most important, is his cloak. The Vision's classic outfit as a cord around the neck of the collar. Taskmaster has the rope so there's no excuse.
Gah this one just makes the 2 retro ML Visions look pitiful.
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