It's way too basic, at least give them knees and leg splits, they got it right with Power Rangers basic line, the way it is it's very lame, kids deserve better.
These figures have been available here in Canada for a bit, I keep seeing them at Walmart, not in the least bit interesting to me, way too stylized which is cool for those who desire that, these look mostly like the Legends coming out minus articulation. I really hoped Spider-Punk would look good, but he's like a misshaped red slenderman, I have high hopes the movie will be awesome but the figures meh. A Scarlet Spider on the Retro spidey buck or RYV would be a cool thing to see, which I imagine would be likely soon, might just replace the Rhino wave one I have if they actually do it.
Just garbage. And the Legends figures for this movie are just as bad. I had been on the fence about whether animated stuff like these Spider-Verse and What If? stuff has a place in my collection. So far I had bought the animated offerings because they kinda, sorta still looked like the rest of my Legends only softer in detail. But these upcoming Legends.... Hasbro has gone all in on the animated style and it just ain't for me. I'll happily pass on these and in a weird way a little grateful that these terrible figures have settled my indecision.
Spider-Punk as a whole has this funky aesthetic and was made to look different, but he is freaky looking in this movie and the toys are even worse. Guess the guitar is cool, though.
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