Thank you all guys! Good luck to everyone in the future!
Well Done JohnF. Enjoy your prize
Congrats, dude.
On 2/2/2023 at 7:08 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:Yeah go JohnF, have fun with that!
Thank you very much! I'll do my best!
Yeah go JohnF, have fun with that!
On 2/2/2023 at 7:03 PM, LordVenger said:Cheers JohnF.
Thanks a lot friend. I feel very lucky to have won this, the timing was great.
Cheers JohnF.
So second time is a charm. Had to draw a second name today but they have responded. So the winner for this month is....JohnF. Congrats to them and everyone who participated. Stay-tuned for the next contest to start soon.
Still havent heard back from the person who's name was drawn for this month, but today has been so hectic that I havent had a chance to do another drawing. So I will give the person one more day to respond and if I dont hear back by then I will draw another name. Check your inboxes. I hate to see someone miss a chance to win.
Still waiting for this months winner to respond. Check your inboxes. Will give them another 24rs and if dont hear back will draw another name.
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