On 1/18/2023 at 8:52 PM, Ironspider428 said:And we still haven't even seen Legends for Quantunmania yet...
True...Hopefully there will be something revealed soon.
Hmmmm. MCU must have a surplus on that costume pattern because it sure gets used a lot! lol
Cool to see more of Adam's suit, it looks cool, but obviously more MCU'ize, I don't dig these figures but I do like when we get to see more of what is being offered
and yeah funny that GOTGV3 merch is already getting itself out there, yet nadda for Ant Man 3
And we still haven't even seen Legends for Quantunmania yet...
Shown below are the new Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 POP! Vinyl figures coming from Funko. You can pre-order these now at our sponsor Entertainment Earth.
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