Marvel Legends Retro Collection Multiple Man Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends Retro Collection Multiple Man Video Review And Images

Outsiders - January 18, 2023
BlueComet takes a look at the new Marvel Legends Retro Collection Multiple Man from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsor Big Bad Toy Store.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
super-chillin - 2023-01-19 @ 9:12 pm
On 1/19/2023 at 1:59 PM, Atlantis said:

You're correct, the gold didn't work. I think I know what they were going for this suit, those gold accents were mechanisms that absorbed kinetic energy, and the team was trying to reflect that. However, the accents should be raised and have a metallic sheen to them. Here's where hasbo can learn from some of the other toy makers out there, like the Mythic Legion line or XesRay Studio. They're using amazing paints and detailing that really show off the quality. But, otherwise they should just use plain yellow on this one so its not washed out.

ah i see.sounds like metallic yellow wouldve been the way to go then.often think they should use that for gold on the classics anyway.

Atlantis - 2023-01-19 @ 7:59 pm
On 1/19/2023 at 5:24 AM, super-chillin said:

the gold didnt come out that goodi imagine yellow being the sensible choice

You're correct, the gold didn't work. I think I know what they were going for this suit, those gold accents were mechanisms that absorbed kinetic energy, and the team was trying to reflect that. However, the accents should be raised and have a metallic sheen to them. Here's where hasbo can learn from some of the other toy makers out there, like the Four Horsemen's Mythic Legion line, or XesRay Studio. They're using amazing paints and detailing that really show off the quality. But, since hasbo evidently doesn't want to put that kind of effort in, on this one they should just use plain yellow, so its not washed out.

super-chillin - 2023-01-19 @ 2:24 pm

the gold didnt come out that goodi imagine yellow being the sensible choice

Atlantis - 2023-01-19 @ 7:40 am

Bland it is. As a simple, basic figure it doesn't do much, BUT this figure represents a character whose power is making multiples of himself. Which is exactly why this basic, stripped- down figure should have come in a 2 or 3 pack. How they missed this opportunity is just beyond me.

TheArrow - 2023-01-19 @ 1:44 am

I'm just not feeling this figure. The Retro line is supposed to be mostly re-use to try to create new or variant figures,,,,,,,,,and here it just looks cheap. The painted details on the costume probably should have been sculpt, the portrait is serviceable but seems....bland. I think what I'm feeling is the price-point creep is diminishing the appeal of characters like this. There's no real value -for-the -dollar here despite it being a character that's been sought after for years now. It's bland and that's disappointing.

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