I'm really stoked we finally got a Blob re-do, and I think there isn't much they could have done to make this better in terms of the buck, but the faces are what bothers me, they look to much like a massive baby man, too clean and soft, I would have preferred something more I dunno ugly and menacing, but with that gripe out of the way, I'm happy to finally add a Blob to my collection, he's long overdue and everything but the head sculpts they did really well here.
GH is quickly becoming my favorite current reviewer right now, aside from my man @MCUcollector24, of course. He's got a pretty straight forward style with a few funny jabs in there, but he's mostly all about the facts. Loved that he thought we'd be seeing Big Bertha using this buck eventually, but I have my doubts, for a number of reasons we can no longer discuss on this forum, but hey, I'd love to be wrong about that, for sure. I'd love to see some love for the GLA. The ONLY problem I have with his Blob review is that he doesn't have the old one to make a comparison to. I suppose some other reviewer will eventually come through with one, but I haven't been able to find one yet.
Looks really good, if only he also had a mace
cool, looking forward to the day i can get this jelly belly. not as much girth as i would have liked but itll do.
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