12 hours ago, JayC said:Between $90 and $100 Do they have any die-cast metal parts, or are they all plastic? JohnF - 2021-04-01 @ 7:31 am
I'm not really into the Sen-Ti-Nel fighting armor figures but this looks nice and I'm really into this red colour that they used here. It looks very cool and it works for what it is.
Look cool, expensive and pass. JayC - 2021-04-01 @ 3:52 am
On 3/26/2021 at 7:26 PM, The Mad Bubbler said:What's the MSRP for these figures? Between $90 and $100 JayC - 2021-04-01 @ 3:51 am
Shown below are official images for the new 6.5" Fighting Armor Deadpool figure from overseas company Sen-Ti-Nel. The figure is due out in August 2021 and will come with two red pistols, two swords, 4 throwing stars, and three pairs of hands. The weapons can be stored on the figure. Check out the images below.
What's the MSRP for these figures?
An iron deadpool, interesting. Ever since I was a child I have always wanted deadpool with an iron man esthetic....sike. Fun concept tho.
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