On 3/8/2023 at 10:53 PM, leokearon said:The lack of an unmasked head really hurts the figure. Agree. Needs all the help it can get. Its a terrible body model over all. I do so wish they'd make new molds for their female figs
On 3/9/2023 at 2:10 PM, super-chillin said:if it aint this version, who even cares?! Yeah this is the figure I wish we got, but also at the same time I'm cool with the one we did, since I actually like her newer look better, but really if they put this figure out before the one we got here, I'd have not bought the newer look, I like that they tried the Invisible Woman head on the figure, because I was thinking of doing that, I might still glad it works, but I was actually thinking I might put the ANAD Emma head on it, I was thinking that might look pretty good.
On 3/9/2023 at 10:10 AM, super-chillin said:if it aint this version, who even cares?! Truth. I never once considered her to be a match for Natasha, let alone a successor, but this is the only version that ever made sense to me.
if it aint this version, who even cares?!
The lack of an unmasked head really hurts the figure.
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