New Marvel Legends Packaging And No BAF For The Spider-Man Wave

New Marvel Legends Packaging And No BAF For The Spider-Man Wave

Jay Cochran - March 09, 2023
In a bit of a surprise we have package images for the new Spider-Man themed wave which features a new style of packaging that has plastic so you can see the figures. At the same time there appears to be NO Build-A-Figure pieces with these figures. Tarantula and Rose incorporate the classic retro style cardbacks we have seen before but the others use a more modern looking style of cardback. It's unknown if this will be the style of packaging used on all Marvel Legends going forward or just something special for this wave.

These are available at places like our sponsors and Entertainment Earth now. This all-comic wave will include the following figures:

- Ben Reilly with new Spider-Man suit which includes toe articulation

- Chasm,

- Miles Morales with new look

- The Rose

- Modern Jessica Drew

- Elektra Daredevil

- Tarantula

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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
since83 - 2023-09-14 @ 5:14 pm

The Daredevil Elektra is a phenomenal figure, if you are on the fence. Great articulation on her wrists.

leokearon - 2023-05-31 @ 7:19 am
On 5/25/2023 at 4:19 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

After seeing more of that Chasm figure, I do like it, the colors are awesome, but I still think I'll pass on it, it's not my Ben, plus I already have him in my preferred looks being SS and his Spidey Suit, but maybe if I see the Chasm on sale at some point I'd get it, it does look pretty cool. I'm still waiting for them to give us Classic SS on the RYV build, I'm all for that replacing the one I got, despite people hating the clone stories and such where Ben first appeared I was a massive fan at the time, I bought most or all (can't recall) the books in that story arc, and was stoked when he took the mantle of Spidey. Ben is still one of my favs.

Same here. It's amazing Marvel had their dream Spidey and they wrecked it. Still I'm still saying this is Spider-cide.

Atlantis - 2023-05-30 @ 6:32 pm

Tarantula, not one of Spidey's upper tier but still a wanted addition to anyone's collection. Short for his actual size.

Marvel0805 - 2023-05-25 @ 11:31 pm

Action poses are cool, but they make it hard to get a solid view of the fig in some ways. Maybe we could get some vanilla pics, along with the action shots as well(?).

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-05-25 @ 3:19 pm

After seeing more of that Chasm figure, I do like it, the colors are awesome, but I still think I'll pass on it, it's not my Ben, plus I already have him in my preferred looks being SS and his Spidey Suit, but maybe if I see the Chasm on sale at some point I'd get it, it does look pretty cool. I'm still waiting for them to give us Classic SS on the RYV build, I'm all for that replacing the one I got, despite people hating the clone stories and such where Ben first appeared I was a massive fan at the time, I bought most or all (can't recall) the books in that story arc, and was stoked when he took the mantle of Spidey. Ben is still one of my favs.

RobertD - 2023-05-24 @ 7:47 pm

I really appreciate image #7 here.

Reno - 2023-05-22 @ 5:31 pm
On 5/22/2023 at 3:00 AM, leokearon said:

I take it that you're not a fan of Ben.

I really like Ben as Chasm. Peter Parker is my Spider-Man and Kaine is my Scarlet Spider. I only need one figure for each.

leokearon - 2023-05-22 @ 8:00 am
On 5/21/2023 at 7:30 PM, Reno said:

I disagree about the terrible character part. This is bound to be an unpopular opinion, but to me Chasm is the best thing that I think Marvel has ever done with the Ben Reilly character. This is the only representation of Ben in figure form that I plan to utilize going forward.

I take it that you're not a fan of Ben.

Benn - 2023-05-21 @ 9:11 pm

I havent read any of the Daredevil with Elektra taking the mantle, but this figure kinda makes me want to. Its such a good look for her.

since83 - 2023-05-21 @ 8:26 pm

I totally agree with you Reno. I have not been a Ben Reilly fan ever. This change to Chasm is indeed the most interesting thing they have done with him. It actually makes a ton of sense why he would turn villain in the storyline. And this design is pretty awesome. I have been on the fence about getting him or waiting for a possible sale, but seeing him posed is making my orderin finger twitch. Lol.

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