On 3/15/2023 at 7:40 PM, McHogan said:"...Much like how they got that one detail wrong on classic Dr Strange has me waiting on another version to get that perfect figure. Or how Tigra was a shade or two too nuclear to be the perfect representation...."
Yeah that Dr. Strange nonsense was deliberate, and it didn't need to be. The insignia is almost invisible and they released other versions with the cloak, where it was never glued down. I'm sure the plan is to make another "classic", only this time with a removable cloak, and maybe correctly colored gloves and belt sash (the true classic colors are orange, not yellow). Then again they only really got the cloak correct was the 4" Universe figure. The yellow pattern borders the cape, and back of the collar, not the collar itself. And yes, I still need to wear shades before looking at Tigra, to avoid some retina burn. Wonder Man should have had some better arms and legs and it would have really been great.
From the pics above and seeing some classic Avengers moments it bums me out that Hasbro gets so close to perfect versions but gets the little things wrong.
Visions cape, Beast being larger than Simon. I get that Beast isn't Avengers era Beast but the grey Perez head in a matching blue would have gone a long ways towards a decent substitute until Hasbro drops a comic accurate Beast from his Avenging days.
On 3/15/2023 at 2:08 PM, Atlantis said:What I find hard to believe, is that not only have we had to wait this long to get safari Jacket Wonder Man, here we are now in 2023 and they put him on a buck where the head can't raise up.
Too bad they didn't give him Reaper's legs. They got the jacket right though...red! NOT maroon or brick or some dull version, just actual red. YES.
Yeah, this version of Simon was one Hasbro could have easily screwed up that detail on and completely ruined the release.
Much like how they got that one detail wrong on classic Dr Strange has me waiting on another version to get that perfect figure. Or how Tigra was a shade or two too nuclear to be the perfect representation.
And the upcoming Power Man Luke Cage bums me out a little too. I know the black pants are comic accurate but for me, his blue pants version is my definitive version. The black just looks off to me...
On 3/11/2023 at 4:22 PM, McHogan said:Hard to believe we finally get Safari jacket Simon. He looks great, now if Hasbro updates the old Toybiz one with the jet belt and gives us his 1st appearance look I'll have the last 2 Simon's I'll have to buy
What I find hard to believe, is that not only have we had to wait this long to get safari Jacket Wonder Man, here we are now in 2023 and they put him on a buck where the head can't raise up.
Too bad they didn't give him Reaper's legs. They got the jacket right though...red! NOT maroon or brick or some dull version, just actual red. YES.
As goofy as his facial expression is it is comic accurate, and that's a nice change from the norm. I was concerned about his size but leave it to Sharty to clear up a lot of questions. As much as I disagree with so many of his opinions and editorials I will concede he is thorough with his comparisons. Probably the best in the business in that regard. Glad he scales about right with Reaper. I'll get this one but in no way will he replace my previous WM in my display. It is cool to have this version though.
Looks nice, comic accurate and the scale with other figures is acceptable. I was never a real fan of this look, but will get it anyway as WM is one of my favorite Avengers. Like McHogan, Air-walker and leokearon have said, it's time for a classic 1st appearance costume WM and even an ionic version like the old TB figure. With a show coming out on D+ and the possibility he could wind up on the big screen in one of the next Avengers movies, I think there will be enough awareness and interest in the character to warrant them.
He looks great, now if we could get an ionic form Simon I would be really happy
Figure looks great! Still not a fan of that silly grin, but the figure still looks awesome overall. A very nice check off the bucket list! And yes, 1st appearance Wonder Man too Hasbro, if you please!
Hard to believe we finally get Safari jacket Simon. He looks great, now if Hasbro updates the old Toybiz one with the jet belt and gives us his 1st appearance look I'll have the last 2 Simon's I'll have to buy
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