New Marvel Legends Avengers 60th Anniversary Iron Man Mark I Official Image

New Marvel Legends Avengers 60th Anniversary Iron Man Mark I Official Image

Jay Cochran - March 28, 2023
Hasbro today has released a new official image for their upcoming Marvel Legends Avengers 60th Anniversary Iron Man Mark I figure which as we first told you last week will be going up for pre-order on March 30th at 1pm ET at places like our sponsors and Entertainment Earth.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2023-04-16 @ 7:46 am
On 4/14/2023 at 5:57 AM, super-chillin said:

Looking so good! Excited to add onto my little hall of armor.

Yes sir. Not to mention Stealth and Silver Centurion.

Man! They almost had it, didn't they.

super-chillin - 2023-04-14 @ 1:57 pm

Looking so good! Excited to add onto my little hall of armor.

On 4/14/2023 at 1:18 AM, Atlantis said:

This is the level of detail and accuracy they should have shown with the 20th anniversary figure

Yes sir. Not to mention Stealth and Silver Centurion.

Atlantis - 2023-04-14 @ 6:18 am

These new in-hand imagesviasb_toyz (thanks!) show the back of the armor and, good news, the "vent" is there, yay for accuracy! Love it. This is the level of detail and accuracy they should have shown with the 20th anniversary figure, which was just tossed together. The Mark I really looks good here!

super-chillin - 2023-03-31 @ 5:42 pm

@Atlantishehe yea i got that but hey id take it

got a scary feeling theyll skimp out on a skirt piece for the gold but hopefully not

Atlantis - 2023-03-31 @ 4:24 pm
On 3/31/2023 at 7:16 AM, super-chillin said:

oooh yay! can Ant-Man use a different body too?

I was kind of joking when I posted that, a day early for April's Fools Day, but actually that's exactly the kind of thing they might pull. Its not that bad of an idea, excluding the 2026 bs release date.

I do expect the gold version to be here soon. However to be accurate, it should have the lower torso tunic piece (which will restrict movement if they don't add slits) but above all I really hope its a good "gold" color.

super-chillin - 2023-03-31 @ 3:16 pm
On 3/31/2023 at 12:35 AM, Atlantis said:

Friends....the gold version will only be available in the coveted upcoming Avengers Box Set, with the original team: Ant-Man, this time with the removable helmet, classic Wasp, Thor, and Hulk with shorts. Amazon exclusive 2026.

oooh yay! can Ant-Man use a different body too?

leokearon - 2023-03-31 @ 7:21 am
On 3/30/2023 at 9:49 PM, McHogan said:

Agree.. if I recall there wasnt a ton of offensive weaponry on this version. Stark was always going on about transistors and magnets. Seems like he could "push" enemies and fly upright haha.

Since he was continually running out of juice a more appropriate accessory would have been a power cord

Better accessories would have been interchange hands with suction cups, and a finger saw, along with a hat and coat

Atlantis - 2023-03-31 @ 5:35 am
On 3/30/2023 at 4:13 PM, since83 said:

I think I might have preorder fatigue. I haven't ordered, even though I was super excited for this guy. Really want the gold one for that Avengers 1 cover more, but Def want both.

Friends....the gold version will only be available in the coveted upcoming Avengers Box Set, with the original team: Ant-Man, this time with the removable helmet, classic Wasp, Thor, and Hulk with shorts. Amazon exclusive 2026.

since83 - 2023-03-31 @ 12:13 am

I think I might have preorder fatigue. I haven't ordered, even though I was super excited for this guy. Really want the gold one for that Avengers 1 cover more, but Def want both.

tarot - 2023-03-30 @ 9:50 pm
On 3/30/2023 at 9:49 PM, McHogan said:

Agree.. if I recall there wasnt a ton of offensive weaponry on this version. Stark was always going on about transistors and magnets. Seems like he could "push" enemies and fly upright haha.

Since he was continually running out of juice a more appropriate accessory would have been a power cord

I think that part might be based more on some of the later times the armor appeared like during the Iron Legion VS Ultimo or the Argonaut or the AI Iron Legion.

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