Marvel Amazing Yamaguchi Revoltech Moon Knight Figure Official Images

Marvel Amazing Yamaguchi Revoltech Moon Knight Figure Official Images

Jay Cochran - April 17, 2023
Shown below are official images for the upcoming Marvel Amazing Yamaguchi Revoltech Moon Knight figure from Kaiyodo. The figure will include a soft-good cape with bendy wire, plastic color cape shoulder pieces, 3 different face pieces, multiple hand, Two Moon Crescent weapons, long staff and split staff. Look for the figure to go up for pre-order soon and be released in December 2023.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Emnems80 - 2023-04-20 @ 7:37 pm
On 4/19/2023 at 6:22 PM, SpiderS said:

Pretty good figure for Yamaguchi style, going from weird fragmented capes to cloth capes was the best decision this line had done. Although I'm getting frustrated with knee pads always sticking out on their figures, It almost became trademark design element for the line, but iMO ruins every figure that has it, it should be articulated.

Completely agree on the cloth goods capes! I also hate the knee pads sticking out too. Didn't some of the older Revoltech figures have a hinge to prevent that or am I misremembering?

SpiderS - 2023-04-20 @ 1:22 am

Pretty good figure for Yamaguchi style, going from weird fragmented capes to cloth capes was the best decision this line had done. Although I'm getting frustrated with knee pads always sticking out on their figures, It almost became trademark design element for the line, but iMO ruins every figure that has it, it should be articulated.

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-04-19 @ 6:36 pm

Yeah as much as I love all things Moon Knight, I think this isn't it for me, way too armored and mech-ish, just also does give off an unpainted vibe, for the price I gotta say no.

Emnems80 - 2023-04-19 @ 4:42 pm

Love Moon Knight and I love Revoltech but I think I'll pass on this one. It just gives me unpainted/unfinished vibes like it's an "artist's proofs" figure or something....

JayC - 2023-04-17 @ 7:29 pm

Shown below are official images for the upcoming Marvel Amazing Yamaguchi Revoltech Moon Knight figure from Kaiyodo. The figure will include a soft-good cape with bendy wire, plastic color cape shoulder pieces, 3 different face pieces, multiple hand, Two Moon Crescent weapons, long staff and split staff. Look for the figure to go up for pre-order next month and be released in December 2023.






JayC - 2023-02-12 @ 1:54 pm

Shown below via Isaac Wong is a good look at the new Amazing Yamaguchi Revoltech Moon Knight figure coming from Kaiyodo that was on display at this weekends Wonder Festival 2023 event.





Lord_Scareglow - 2023-02-02 @ 6:01 pm

Need to see more of this, but it looks fairly cool, although revoltech has some odd proportions, I'm a sucker for all things Moon Knight but not a sucker for the prices of these figures, if this was something in a affordable range I'd probably already be hoping to get it.

greenlucario - 2023-02-01 @ 12:06 am

That's interesting, going for the carbonadium armor look from Vengeance of the Moon Knight. Doubt I'd get this, but I like that it's a different costume than we usually see.

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