JohnF - 2023-04-21 @ 2:51 pm
On 4/20/2023 at 7:04 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:I think this figure looks really good, but I actually still have a soft spot for the 1st movie figure they did in the 10th anniversary, but Ant-Man has had a really good upward climb in terms of every time he shows up on screen he gets a better suit, this new suit is aesthetically pleasing, and this figure does a good job of representing the look from the movie, the headsculpt is really nice for Paul, but he's still kinda making a weird face, the best unmasked head is still the 10th anniversary for me, not doing movie figures anymore, so I'm happy to pass, but the more I see things look this good it's hard to say no. Yeah, it's either this or the 10th anniversary one, which was a solid figure. The Ant Man 2 one was still very good, but it's not a candidate for the top spot. I'd go with the one here.
On 4/20/2023 at 10:40 AM, JohnF said:The best MCU Ant Man figure. I think this figure looks really good, but I actually still have a soft spot for the 1st movie figure they did in the 10th anniversary, but Ant-Man has had a really good upward climb in terms of every time he shows up on screen he gets a better suit, this new suit is aesthetically pleasing, and this figure does a good job of representing the look from the movie, the headsculpt is really nice for Paul, but he's still kinda making a weird face, the best unmasked head is still the 10th anniversary for me, not doing movie figures anymore, so I'm happy to pass, but the more I see things look this good it's hard to say no. JohnF - 2023-04-20 @ 2:40 pm
The best MCU Ant Man figure.
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