On 4/24/2023 at 7:11 AM, Atlantis said:Looks pretty accurate to the comics. Now I'd like to see Whirlwind, og Moonstone, Firebrand and Equinox! We already got Whirlwind. I'll probably get this guy, my Masters of Evil need more members
Looks pretty accurate to the comics. Now I'd like to see Whirlwind, og Moonstone, Firebrand and Equinox!
Loving this figure, it's a really good representation of the character, and I'm happy Hasbro is giving us this guy, never would have expected it, he's a pretty important villain for Hawkeye, and has ties with a bunch of characters like Moon Knight, and been around some other big villains, I'm really happy to get this.
On 4/21/2023 at 9:08 PM, Hogun said:He looks like a Swiss TVA member He reminds me more of G.I. Joe Lifeline after he snaps and goes postal... Hogun - 2023-04-22 @ 2:08 am
He looks like a Swiss TVA member
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