After looking closer at this figure gotta say I do like the head more then the previous one, but that isn't going to make me pick this up, I love that Ursa wave one, I'll stay happy with it, got the Retro Vision extra head on it and it's pretty much exactly the figure I'd want. I do hate that I like the nose hole less head though...darn Hasbro
Good job but nothing here to get me to pick it up. Really liked the long awaited Ultron, but I think he should have been broader in build.
So the only difference is the head and the body color?
Ah well, this too is an excellent head sculpt like the last one. Hoping to find 2 in the wild to add to my Ultron army but only found 1 of the last version. And that was just after they put out a fresh case. Had to hit up Amazon for my 2nd that time.
I really thought the last version was my Forever Ultron but this guy makes a strong contender.
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