I'm definitely not a fan of the cel-shaded figures but I the spiderman animated series line definitely fired on all the nostalgia cylinders. Not enough for me to ever commit to collecting them but they are fun to look at. In particular, I like this interpretation of the Green Goblin. If the Peter Parker/Smyth offering is anything to go off of, maybe they will continue this animated series line without the cel-shading. That might be enough to tip me in favor of picking them up.
On 5/17/2023 at 9:01 AM, MonsterChris said:I don't know the answer to that, but I came across something a few months ago that I thought was really cool: this page from Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, #168: I strongly suspect her outfit was heavily influenced by this issue. Who knew MJ had a tucking-her-purple-jeans-into-cowbow-boots phase in actual continuity? That's wild. I wonder if they really did use this outfit for that. Added in the weird pink turtle neck thing and then changed the original yellow turtle neck to a kind of half-button pull over. Or maybe its just a wild coincidence. Either way, the colorist sure must have had fun. I'm guessing Peter borrowed these purple pants from Banner? LOL
On 5/17/2023 at 1:01 PM, MonsterChris said:I don't know the answer to that, but I came across something a few months ago that I thought was really cool: this page from Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, #168: I strongly suspect her outfit was heavily influenced by this issue. Who knew MJ had a tucking-her-purple-jeans-into-cowbow-boots phase in actual continuity? Whoa interesting find here, no doubt this must have been the influence on them designing her character the way they did for the Animated Series, because this is that look in the books, I always thought that her Animated look was just completely made up, but it seems they did put her in an outfit extremely similar here. I like that, always happy to know that source material was being taken into consideration.
On 5/12/2023 at 2:44 PM, Atlantis said:I gotta wonder who designed MJ's outfit for this series. I don't know the answer to that, but I came across something a few months ago that I thought was really cool: this page from Amazing Spider-Man Vol. 1, #168: I strongly suspect her outfit was heavily influenced by this issue. Who knew MJ had a tucking-her-purple-jeans-into-cowbow-boots phase in actual continuity?
I gotta wonder who designed MJ's outfit for this series.
Shown below via HarryMooreDesign is the new Spider-Man: The Animated Series 2-Pack Marvel Legends Series Mary Jane Watson and Green Goblin Package Artwork from Hasbro and will be available for pre-order next week exclusively from HasbroPulse.com.
On 5/9/2023 at 8:58 AM, tarot said:Why would Dan refer to comic based if he was talking about the VHS line? No. this is not what he was talking about. He even said it was a NEW figure. I was just about to comment that lol. I highly doubt it's the 2-pack. tarot - 2023-05-09 @ 3:58 pm
Why would Dan refer to comic based if he was talking about the VHS line? No. this is not what he was talking about. He even said it was a NEW figure.
Too bad that once again, the goblin glider is too small. But theyre resuing one from the main line; the toybiz version was better I think
Not enthused over this body being used again for GG but at least thegreen looks better this time and the smooth limbs look nicer than the scales. Annoyed that they gave him swashbuckle style boots again too. Maybe theyll get it right on the next one,..when they make a pinless classic.
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