Beast Kingdom Spider-Man: Maximum Venom D-Stage Captain America, Groot, Iron Man and Spider-man Special Editions

Beast Kingdom Spider-Man: Maximum Venom D-Stage Captain America, Groot, Iron Man and Spider-man Special Editions

toynewman - May 12, 2023
Shown below is the new Spider-Man: Maximum Venom D-Stage Captain America, Groot, Iron Man and Spider-man Special Editions from Beast Kingdom and are up for pre-order from our sponsor with a retail price of $33.99 Each.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
tarot - 2023-05-14 @ 4:04 pm

Both waves were only tie in for the movies. They just couldn't make the figures from the movies because sony don't give them access to the concept art like Disney do.

Emnems80 - 2023-05-14 @ 4:02 pm
On 5/12/2023 at 11:07 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:

You never know, since Beast Kingdom is doing these, so it might be still on the table, but usually Hasbro doesn't back track, they tend to move on to the next thing, I still was hoping one day we'd see Infinity Warp figures, they would have been awesome, but that ship sailed as that's pretty much long forgotten. Also seems like they are done with Venom waves, as we have not seen one since 2020, but hey Symbiotes are getting a new push in the comics right now, you never know, I really hoped we'd get a Venom wave a year, both waves sold really well, The Venompool wave was really hard to find, they even re-released the Carnage last year.

If both waves sold really well you would think Hasbro would go back and do more. Maybe they're just waiting to build up all the collectors' wants for it. Or maybe if Sony ever gets their crap together and push out a half decent Spiderman movie with Venom....I think that would be a good time for more Venomized figures to be made.

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-05-12 @ 6:07 pm
On 5/12/2023 at 1:08 PM, Emnems80 said:

Is it still possible? I don't know how well the other symbiote figures sold.

You never know, since Beast Kingdom is doing these, so it might be still on the table, but usually Hasbro doesn't back track, they tend to move on to the next thing, I still was hoping one day we'd see Infinity Warp figures, they would have been awesome, but that ship sailed as that's pretty much long forgotten. Also seems like they are done with Venom waves, as we have not seen one since 2020, but hey Symbiotes are getting a new push in the comics right now, you never know, I really hoped we'd get a Venom wave a year, both waves sold really well, The Venompool wave was really hard to find, they even re-released the Carnage last year.

Emnems80 - 2023-05-12 @ 5:08 pm
On 5/12/2023 at 8:28 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:

I love these wild gimmicky Maximum Venom looks, I wish Hasbro would have given us more of these symbiotic figures from this story.

Is it still possible? I don't know how well the other symbiote figures sold.

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-05-12 @ 3:28 pm

I love these wild gimmicky Maximum Venom looks, I wish Hasbro would have given us more of these symbiotic figures from this story.

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