S.H. Figuarts Spider-Man: No Way Home Red And Blue Suit Spider-Man Figure Official Images

S.H. Figuarts Spider-Man: No Way Home Red And Blue Suit Spider-Man Figure Official Images

Jay Cochran - June 21, 2023
Tamashii Nations has released official images for their upcoming S.H. Figuarts Spider-Man: No Way Home Red And Blue Suit Spider-Man figure which will see release in January 2024. Look for it to be available for pre-order in the next few days.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Ironspider428 - 2023-06-22 @ 1:44 am

I still prefer the Homecoming suit and FFH suit but this one is good too. Probably my 3rd favorite MCU suit. I kind of hope they remove the shininess for the 4th movie, for some reason that just doesn't work well for me, though I can see they were kind of going for a Spider-Armor MK 4 vibe with it.

JohnF - 2023-06-17 @ 4:32 pm
On 6/16/2023 at 7:53 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

this is so far the best Spidey Suit yet in the MCU I'd say.

I agreed with everything, but I wanted to highlight this because it's so true. The best indeed.

80sboy4 - 2023-06-17 @ 5:40 am

I really like the metallic blue on the suit here, have to re-watch the end where this suit appears and compare to this figure. Will definitely get this as well as an eventual ML figure.

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-06-16 @ 4:53 pm
On 6/16/2023 at 7:51 AM, JohnF said:

Hopefully we see a ML version of this too.

I'm certain that Hasbro will get to this one at some point, it's another Spider-Man for them to make, you know they can't resist that opportunity.

this is so far the best Spidey Suit yet in the MCU I'd say.

this figure here does look pretty cool, but I always find SHF has such weird articulation cuts, Hasbro could probably make something more eye pleasing if they paint those weblines, which I'm hoping they will continue to do so, since they did with the recent 3 pack, don't skimp the weblines.

JohnF - 2023-06-16 @ 11:51 am

Hopefully we see a ML version of this too.

Ironspider428 - 2023-06-16 @ 1:49 am

So shiny. I like it. The head kind of gives me PS4 vibes for some reason though. Hopefully we get a ML and Mafex version soon. I'm still waiting on some Mafex NWH stuff, they've only done the upgraded suit so far, we still need the black and gold suit, integrated suit and the new suit. I'll buy any MCU suit they do, hopefully they also eventually do a Tobey and Andrew.

Jeddostotle7 - 2023-06-16 @ 12:58 am

Weblines on the forehead look a little odd, somehow. Not sure exactly how to describe it, and looking back at the Hot Toys figure of this suit it's definitely a Figuarts problem rather than with the suit itself.

AndyL - 2023-06-15 @ 3:05 pm

Once again SHF gets the jump on what everyone wanted from ML. In the end I think SHF is overated and overpriced so I think ML's version wall be just fine for most of us here. I know I can wait. As long as the ML version has at lead an unmasked head sculpt.

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