Medicom MAFEX Captain America Figure

Medicom MAFEX Captain America Figure

toynewman - July 21, 2023
Shown below is the new Medicom MAFEX Captain America Figure.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
McHogan - 2023-07-21 @ 6:45 pm

I was worried that this would be the figure that pulled me into MAFEX.. bit as @Lord_Scareglowpointed out, the articulation It works for Spidey but on Cap he just looks lanky and I dont know... misjointed..

The 70s era head sculpt is nice, not the best but nice. I haven't been fond of Hasbros efforts on unmasked "Steve's " either.. the latest misfire being the new Commander Rogers figure.. in my mind, Steve is unreasonably handsome haha and so far most action figure depictions have missed the mark (for reference on how picky I am, I didn't like the Toybiz Homage figure likeness either. But in truth all of those took a minute to get used to)

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-07-21 @ 2:42 pm

That's pretty alright, but still Mafex have some weird articulation cuts, if you wanted a classic Cap I still think the 20th Anniversary Legend is doing better then this, for the price of this it just doesn't seem like the greatest classic cap.

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