Hasbro Marvel Legends Series Spider-man the Animated Series Smythe & Peter Parker 2-pack

Hasbro Marvel Legends Series Spider-man the Animated Series Smythe & Peter Parker 2-pack

toynewman - July 21, 2023
Revealed at SDCC, the Smythe & Peter Parker 2-pack is swinging into Marvel Legends Series! Inspired by the 1994 Spider-Man: The Animated Series cartoon, this 2-pack comes in unique vintage-style VHS-themed packaging and features multiple accessories, including Peter Parker's camera. Available for pre-order tomorrow, July 22nd beginning at 5pm ET exclusively on HasbroPulse!
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Lord_Scareglow - 2023-07-22 @ 6:22 pm
On 7/22/2023 at 2:17 PM, tarot said:

well to be fair there is not alot different from comic expect for some sharper elements


I know and that's the problem, It's hard to say no to this, but for the price I think I gotta, and hope to get a comic version at some point, I do like the longer hair and sharper elements in his comic depiction, I'm just gonna stay cool on this one, 100+ for one figure that isn't truly what I desire and just a fill in seems like a unconscious purchase.

next post I need someone to say how bad this figure looks and point out it's flaws and how it looks nothing like a comic version so I can keep on track to not buying it HAHHA

tarot - 2023-07-22 @ 6:17 pm
On 7/22/2023 at 6:01 PM, Lord_Scareglow said:

Yeah I'm having a tough time with this one, Will this be the only Smythe we get? is it comic enough?

well to be fair there is not alot different from comic expect for some sharper elements


Lord_Scareglow - 2023-07-22 @ 5:01 pm

Yeah I'm having a tough time with this one, Will this be the only Smythe we get? is it comic enough? but also I don't want a peter parker and that Hasbro pulse price for Canadians is insaneo , saying this is like roughly 60 USD, with exchange plus plus shipping it'd be like 110, I don't think I can pull the trigger on that for 1 figure that isn't even exactly what I want, but then again like I said is this going to be the only Smythe figure ever? then I really want it, because it's so close to comic.


leokearon - 2023-07-22 @ 6:53 am

Easily a must get. Getting a Peter that isn't a nerd and Smythe looks great to

McHogan - 2023-07-21 @ 10:51 pm

OK I've wondered this for years about Smythe...

What is going on with this guy? Half spider? Genetic shenanigans? Those shoulder...spikes(?) add to the confusion

tarot - 2023-07-21 @ 9:19 pm
On 7/21/2023 at 10:15 PM, Reno said:

This is a must buy for Smythe!

oh instantly. It might be the only time we get him.

Reno - 2023-07-21 @ 9:15 pm

This is a must buy for Smythe!

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