Marvel Avengers Legends Series Black Widow Action Figure Video Review And Images

Marvel Avengers Legends Series Black Widow Action Figure Video Review And Images

Outsiders - July 30, 2023
BlueComet takes a look at the new Marvel Avengers Legends Series Black Widow Action Figure from Hasbro. This figure is available exclusively from Target in the United States.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
McHogan - 2023-08-02 @ 2:41 am

My classic Avengers display is getting better and better. So many rece try can be labeled "the best version of" and this Widow is no exception.

I'm hoping the new Hawkeye can be added as well but I have yet to open him.

Also hoping the new Vision is better in hand than the first pics looked. He is much better than the last one but such a bummer they decided to go with the painted midsection and boots. Again.

Anyway, I gave this Widow a good look and it feels like they could give us another shot at the Grey suit minus jacket ( or a pair if jacket arms so we could choose which look to display.) Don't think they'd have to do much more than paint and headsculpt

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-07-31 @ 3:41 pm

Super glad to see you tried that one head on Phoenix, I was thinking about that when I saw that sculpt, and it looks really good, I'm still waiting for TRU to get this figure as I think it's certainly the best comic Widow yet, I was contemplating the should I get it thing, since I have all(?) the comic widows in recent years, but who am I kidding I want it, plus those head options and the fact it can update green phoenix, it's a good buy, I was happy with my Red headed Cuckoo head on Phoenix, but this would look better, I do like that Mullet look for Natasha, the accessories for this seal the deal.

Atlantis - 2023-07-31 @ 7:17 am

I do like the faces; just like the recent Moondragon, excellent work. But for all the new-ness, she falls short (no pun intended) in a number of areas. No guys, not gonna jump on the "hooray, new sculpt, so happy its here we'll excuse everything else that's wrong" bandwagon. For a supposedly new and "superior" sculpt, she sure looks small and puny compared to the Elektra, Rogue, and Spinneret figures. Come on, she should at least be Spinerette's size.

The Vulcan mod was a great step forward for new male figures. This should have been the model for female figs.

Air-Walker - 2023-07-31 @ 3:03 am

Wicked! Love the main face sculpt! Easily one of the best female faces they've done in a while!

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