Secret Invasion Marvel Legends Nick Fury (Hydra Stomper Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images

Secret Invasion Marvel Legends Nick Fury (Hydra Stomper Build-A-Figure) Video Review And Images

Outsiders - September 01, 2023
MCUcollector24 takes a look at the new Secret Invasion Marvel Legends Nick Fury (Hydra Stomper Build-A-Figure) from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2023-09-02 @ 4:20 pm
On 9/2/2023 at 7:51 AM, TheArrow said:

"---a real bad throwback sculpt. The shame of is that Hasbro knows better, has done better and this figure did deserve some more thinking-upon...Hasbro is slacking here..........big-time..."

MIC DROP, my man. Exactly. Sure, its got a nice removable beanie, but big deal- the figure can't move!

TheArrow - 2023-09-02 @ 3:51 pm

Yeah, Fury is weak sauce in this figure---a real bad throwback sculpt. The shame of is that Hasbro knows better, has done better and this figure did deserve some more thinking-upon. It's not that the actual production costume design is bland ( it is), but that this should have been approached in a more toyetic sense. Hasbro is slacking here..........big-time.

AndyL - 2023-09-02 @ 4:16 am

Wow this thing is just awful. How is the 15 year old version still the better figure here in 2023? Just look at that ridiculous thing. This is quite possibly the most effortless piece of junk Hasbro has ever done. Very bad form Hasbro. Poor Sam deserves better. For shame. To me this entire wave is a complete mess. Except Yelena of course.

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-09-01 @ 3:18 pm

The more I see this figure the more I think this just isn't it, not a particularly good SLJ portrait here (the 2015 figure looks to have a better face), also the strange scrawny body, and giant rubber trench that hinders the articulation almost entirely, it's just not great, SLJ does not have a body so feeble in this show he's actually even kinda got a gut, the only good element of this figure is that you can take his Hat on and off, but taking a hat on and off isn't a saving grace, this just is a lackluster figure IMO, doesn't really represent the source material it's taken from, I am curious as to what he looks like if you took his horrible jacket off? obviously he's going to look wizened but maybe it's a good base body for customizers for other Fury looks.

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