Love this Blade- and the BAF of this wave looks cool, but idk if it's a score.
Don't own the previous version but I did preorder this one to have in my display. I'm a little disappointed with the reuse of the Havok arms, those forearms are just way too big and make the hands look weird. I try to hide it on Havok with effect pieces and black wrist cuffs.
I'm really digging this new rendition of Blade, I was pretty fine with the previous one, but this is a nice improvement, normally I'm someone who likes to get multiple heads if we have an expression one, but this is a nice yelling head for Blade and makes it stand out, as well as looks different from the former figure, enough that it's a must have, even though I own the older one, nice to finally see Blade get a second go, the older one has been really hard to come by in recent times.
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