Hasbro's Marvel Legends Giant Man Haslab campaign enters it's final 2 weeks, it has yet to meet it's minimum backer goal of
10k people.
As always with these types of campaigns, there has been much debate and speculation among collectors on whether or not this campaign will fund and move forward, especially after last years failed
Marvel Ghost Rider Engine Of Vengeance campaign that left the fandom very splintered.
Since I don't have a crystal ball that allows me to see into the future, of course I can no more tell you whether this campaign will succeed or fail than I could predict this weeks winning lotto numbers. However based on the numbers we have in front of us today I will say that this years campaign seems to be struggling. Now some will suggest we saw the same thing back in 2021 with the
Marvel Legends Galactus Haslab campaign which didn't meet it's minimum funding goal until it's last week.
While it's true
Galactus didn't meet it's minimum goal until it's final week, I think there are some pretty glaring difference between that campaign and this one which makes me feel less confident
Giant Man will get funded.
So the first big difference is price.
Galactus was much more expensive than
Giant Man. the cost to back
Galactus was
$399.99 while the cost to back
Giant Man is only
$199.99. So
Giant Man is $200 cheaper to back than
Galactus was. On top of that
Giant Man requires less backers to move forward than
Galactus did.
Giant Man only requires a minimum
10k Backers in order to move forward.
Galactus had a minimum goal of
14k backers needed. Logic would suggest that something that is cheaper and requires less backers would fund faster than the more expensive campaign that needed more backers to move forward. We aren't really seeing that here.
Galactus did take longer to fund than the
Marvel Legends Sentinel Hasblab campaign from 2020, it still gained more backers faster than
Giant Man has been. In case you were wondering, the
Sentinel which was a true army builder figure met it's minimum funding goal in just over 24 hours of that campaign launching.
Looking back at
Galactus, on
August 05 2021 it had
10,719 backers of the minimum
14k backers needed to fund with only 1 stretch goal having been revealed with the
Frankie Raye Nova figure. So with
25 days left it only needed a
minimum 3281 backers with
3 more stretch goals yet to be revealed.
Right now
Giant Man which
has had all the stretch goals revealed is sitting at
5,609 Backers out of the minimum
10k Backers needed. So with
just over 14 days left this campaign
still needs 4391 Backers.
It's important in my opinion to note that since we already know what all the stretch goals for
Giant Man are, there is really nothing left that might convince someone who is on the fence to back this campaign. Also since everything for this campaign has been revealed, people who didn't back it have moved on. See keeping the stretch goals secret like
Hasbro did in years past is all about marketing and trying to keep hype going for these things. The hype for
Giant man has long been over and there is nothing left to keep people wanting to check back in on it.
Galactus at the beginning of it's final week on
August 23, 2021 had 13,156 backers of the needed 14k. So less than 1k to go, and again we only knew 1 of the stretch goals.
Galactus reached it's minimum 14k backers 2 days later on August 25, 2021 with 5 days left in the campaign. At that point people really started tuning in to see if
Nova would be added and what the other stretch goals would be.
Frankie Raye Nova was
unlocked on August 26, 2021 when it surpassed
16k backers. That same day
Stretch Goal 2 was revealed to be the
Silver Suffer.
Silver Suffer was unlocked a day later on
August 27, 2021 when it surpassed 17, backers. That same day
Stretch Goal 3 for the
Marvel Legends MORG figure was revealed.
August 29, 2021 MORG was unlocked when the campaign reached
20k backers. That same day the
final stretch goal and weakest of the 4 was revealed to be the
Alternate Galactus Doom Head.
On the
final day, August 30, 2021 stretch goal 4 for the
Alternate Galactus Doom Head was unlocked when it surpassed
22k backers. The
Galactus campaign finished out the day with 30,780 backers.
Obviously we don't yet know how the
Giant Man campaign will end, and
Hasbro will be showing the figure off this weekend at the Marvel booth during NYCC so convention goers will be able to see it in person.
Hasbro did the same thing last year with the
Engine of Vengeance. It should be noted that didn't really help in boosting that campaigns numbers.
Based on the rate of daily backers the
Giant Man campaign has currently been getting, I would say
Giant Man will still need somewhere in the neighborhood of 3k more backers to meet it's minimum goal going into it's final week. With nothing left to incentivize people who might have been on the fence about backing this one, that seems like a lot of backers that would still be needed in the time remaining. Of course maybe
Hasbro hasn't been adding in all their overseas backers yet to the count, so that could definitely help if that were the case, but either way this campaign has not been performing as well as the
Sentinel or
Galactus. Like I said, I can't predict the future, but If I was a betting man, I would not be betting on this one to fund.