Marvel Legends HasLab Giant-Man campaign from Hasbro has just over 16 hours to go before it ends and it is still over 2k backers short of the minimum 10k backers funding goal needed in order to move into production. As I type this the campaign has 7,726 backers which means it still needs 2274 more.
While the campaign has picked up the pace over the last several days it has not come close to getting 1k new backers in a 24 period, let alone over 2k backers.
For those starting to panic however, all hope is not lost. Hasbro's G.I. Joe Skystriker Haslab campaign back in 2021 also had a similar uphill battle in it's final day needing over 2k backers. It needed a minimum of 10k backers as well and ended the day with a total of 16,800 backers which even allowed it to unlock 2 of it's 3 stretch goals.
My feeling is the Skystriker ended up having a bunch of overseas backers added to the campaign at the very end and I think the best hope for Giant Man is if Hasbro has not yet added those overseas backers.
Whether this campaign funds or not is to hard to tell at this point but we will know for sure in the next 16 hours.