On 10/28/2023 at 12:17 PM, tarot said:Love this set. Had space v before but they added a ton to make him different. Plus I have been asking for mania for years.
Now if only hasbro could make her silence form and the rest of venom grandchildren.
would be a very happy human if they ever get around to Silence, but also anything Symbiote for me, still waiting for Hybrid, Still think we need more Venom waves, Sleeper BAF would be magical. we still need Mayhem, Lady Venom, need a re-do on Anti-Venom, Venom 2099, Raze, Big Mother BAF, Rascal, I could literally just list Symbiotes I demand for days.
Please Hasbro Venom waves.
A very good set. Venom is a lot of fun and Mania is also really good
Love this set. Had space v before but they added a ton to make him different. Plus I have been asking for mania for years.
Now if only hasbro could make her silence form and the rest of venom grandchildren.
Still just gushing over this 2 pack, as a must have all symbiotes collector, finally getting a chance at Space Knight Venom again not as a BAF was literally a dream come true, I missed a ton of that wave, didn't want a bunch and was budgeting at the time, I was really bummed out at high the prices of the figures in the wave got and these pieces for the BAF, so finally to get this figure without hassle was excellent, nice additional accessories as well, Now and finally Mania! Mania has been super high on my want list because Symbiotes duh, and I just like the character and love her aesthetic, very pleased they gave us her, she's not doing anything intricate but she's doing all she needs to and I'm delighted she's on my shelf.
this for me at least was a "Thank You so much Hasbro" release. One of the top offerings of the year for me.
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