Spider-Man: No Way Home Marvel Legends Spider-Man (Final Suit) Video Review And Images

Spider-Man: No Way Home Marvel Legends Spider-Man (Final Suit) Video Review And Images

Outsiders - November 16, 2023
BlueComet takes a look at the new Spider-Man: No Way Home Marvel Legends Spider-Man (Final Suit) from Hasbro. This figure is available for pre-order from our sponsors Big Bad Toy Store and Entertainment Earth.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
SpiderS - 2023-11-19 @ 7:38 pm

It's a 3rd review of the final suit Spidey where masked head has misaligned webbing in the middle, which is really irritating, on bonus side, now you can at least see the figure thanks to the return of the window packaging but there's no excuse for Hasbro to have so many imperfections especially where it matters the most, you can excuse misaligned webbing on arms, legs and maybe even chest but when we have that on the mask it absolutely ruins figure and any goodwill you might have for the other aspect of the figure.

raziel0203 - 2023-11-19 @ 4:58 pm

MCU figures have never been my thing, but I must admit that these are some cool looking figures. They're an easy pass for me but I definitely understand the appeal and would be eager to pick these up if MCU figures were a priority for me.

Ironspider428 - 2023-11-16 @ 9:58 pm

This figure looks incredible. The weblines seem a little thick for my liking but I don't mind too much, the proportions on this body are so much better than the past MCU Spideys and he finally has that torso articulation. I'd love to see them redo the Homecoming suit and the FFH suit on this type of body.

Bluecomet - 2023-11-16 @ 7:12 pm
On 11/17/2023 at 5:49 AM, Lord_Scareglow said:

It's for sure the best Tom Holland Spidey yet, It's actually a really nice looking figure IMO, look ma, they painted the weblines ! , the likeness is really there, but he also has such a lifeless expression/look on his face it's a bit awkward, cool thing is about this figure is just how comic it is, and if you wanted to pop this into a comic display I'd say it would work.

Thanks for watching, I was struggling to find words to describe his facial expression..you described it spot on. Cheers

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-11-16 @ 6:49 pm

It's for sure the best Tom Holland Spidey yet, It's actually a really nice looking figure IMO, look ma, they painted the weblines ! , the likeness is really there, but he also has such a lifeless expression/look on his face it's a bit awkward, cool thing is about this figure is just how comic it is, and if you wanted to pop this into a comic display I'd say it would work.

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