Marvel Legends New Warriors NOVA (Marvel Unlimited Annual Membership Kit Exclusive Comic Figure) Video Review And Images

Marvel Legends New Warriors NOVA (Marvel Unlimited Annual Membership Kit Exclusive Comic Figure) Video Review And Images

Outsiders - November 27, 2023
BlueComet takes a look at the new Marvel Legends New Warriors NOVA (Marvel Unlimited Annual Membership Kit Exclusive Comic Figure) from Hasbro. This figure is available exclusively from Marvel Unlimited in the United States.

Check out the images for this figure below in our GALLERY and be sure to share your thoughts about it in the COMMENTS SECTION.
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Last 10 comments - ( Read All Posts )
Atlantis - 2023-12-01 @ 6:54 am

Too true. All the more reason to wait until they re-do/improve him. Just looking at their track record, I'd say its more likely they'd circle back to him.

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-11-28 @ 11:30 pm
On 11/28/2023 at 1:13 PM, Atlantis said:

I'd bet that a regular release is in the offing. Probably on an updated figure to boot. Save your dirham, effendi

Yeah potentially, but looking at the other offerings from Unlimited Subscriptions, we never did get any regular retail release of any of those sub figs, Daredevil doesn't count since he was intially retail released figure prior, so I don't have as high hopes as you do, but we can wonder...a better version of red suit Nova would be ideal, since this isn't actually all the great, infact I've realized that the Walgreens Nova is kinda a lackluster figure, pretty bland offering, sure it plays it's role as a classic Nova, but it's kinda Hasbro on their old tricks.."eh it's new, eh it's classic" but ew it's just an ancient buck with limited range of articulation and a face that looks like it was carved out of wood by an elf. his sad lifeless eyes says it all...he doesn't want to be here.

Atlantis - 2023-11-28 @ 6:13 pm

I'd bet that a regular release is in the offing. Probably on an updated figure to boot. Save your dirham, effendi

Lord_Scareglow - 2023-11-28 @ 2:58 am

Yeah it's not really that stupendous a figure, just another unlimited sub repaint, but I want it for some reason, like the red for Nova, but it's locked away behind a subscription I have no interest in, so like all of the other sub figures, I will just pass on it and pretend it doesn't really exist.. so whatever.

if this was a regular release I'd have went for it.

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