Maybe they're trying to capture the "one-way" lens feature of the mask. Not sure if that's necessary. At any rate it sure looks like a fun figure. ADour - 2023-11-24 @ 12:37 am
On 11/23/2023 at 4:40 PM, SpiderS said:Something tells me we gonna get additional heads and if not that then we will get variants. I think it would be neat if they did alternate eye lenses like in some of their MCU Spider-Man figures, but instead of capturing different apertures, they capture different artistic interpretations.
Something tells me we gonna get additional heads and if not that then we will get variants.
On 11/22/2023 at 2:43 PM, Ironspider428 said:I mean that's obviously cool but it would look better to me if the eyes were white instead of silver... Yeah I thought that myself, the Silver eyes are a real throw off, but didn't they already release this figure with white eyes? I coulda sworn they did, and that's why this is an Alt version with Silver Eyes, Eyes aside, really cool figure. But can't spend that doe on 1 item..not for me.
I mean that's obviously cool but it would look better to me if the eyes were white instead of silver...
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